Here is a list of our products:
1. VisuCaller :
This app scans and calls printed phone numbers. It can also scan contact information which can be saved to your device’s contacts or an app list. Simply move the viewfinder over information and once scanned it appears in the list. The ability to scan individual lines allows contact information to be gathered from anywhere, not just what fits on a business card. It also means it will work for text that is large or small. Very small text can be scanned using the zoom support.
Tap/Click below to view on App Store.

2. VisuCalculator :
Our version of a super calculator that works for your needs. It is different than other calculators on the market because it is comprised of various tabs that each have their own function, but the information is shared between them. It includes a calculator tab, a formula tab a history tab and a settings tab. Further details are in the “Help” Section of the app. Click the link below and download today! See for yourself how much easier life becomes with this multifunctional app.
Tap/Click below to view on App Store.